Recommended Practice Resources

Resources and Support
Administrators must provide the resources necessary to implement the web accessibility plan with provisions to ensure that the system will remain accessible.
Featured Resource(s)
Accessibility "Cheatsheets"
We have created a series of accessibility handouts, or "cheatsheets," to assist anyone who is creating accessible content in tools such as Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat. These resources are designed for less-technical individuals, such as faculty and staff, and are available to all. Personnel with technical skills should seek out accessibility information and support from our partner, WebAIM.
Sufficient Time and Effort Allocated to Personnel
- ATHEN Article: Cultivating and Maintaining Web Accessibility Expertise and Institutional Support in Higher Education. Article on developing an accessibility plan and the importance of knowledgeable and consistent personnel in that process.
Budget Sufficient for Institution-wide Efforts
Training and Technical Support
- Providing Training for faculty and staff: An essential element for your campus. GOALS article sharing the experiences of how two institutions provide web accessibility training and support.
- Reflections on accessibility expectations: Faculty are expected to do what? GOALS blog post addressing the issue that even with training, faculty and staff cannot do it all and need support from their institution.
- Provide Training and Technical Support. From WebAIM's 8-Step Implementation Model.
- W3C's Overview: Planning Web Accessibility Training. Training guide from the W3C
- Case Studies in Training and Professional Development for Web Accessibility. A series of case studies from 8 different authors who were tasked to assist their institutions with Web accessibility.
- Accessibility Video "Playlist." A list of some of the best online web accessibility videos.
- "To Care and Comply." Portland Community College video explains the importance of the entire campus community getting involved in the work of web accessibility. This sets the stage for training and technical assistance to come.
Procurement, Development, and Use of Technologies That Will Result in Accessible Web Content
- Let the Buyer be Aware: The Importance of Procurement in Accessibility Policy. An article that discusses the importance of procurement policy and provides tips on ensuring your purchases are accessible.
- iCITA Accessible Purchasing Overview. An overview on accessible purchasing.
- CSU Accessible Electronic and Information Technology (E&IT) Procurement. A listing of documents that relate to procurement In the CSU System.